martes, 22 de septiembre de 2015

3. Resilience

Everyone, at least once in one's lifetime, shall go through periods of anguish, depression, regret, disappointment of oneself and, of course, very difficult situations that produce all the feelings aforesaid. However, what not we all have is the capacity to endure any situation. Ergo, they fall in some of those feelings. How to manage to face tough situations? If that question were easy to be answered, many psychological problems could be avoided. My experience has shown me so far that you must work hard on your problems, never avoid them, never pretend they don't exist, never postpone them. Embrace them and let them embrace you. Of course you can feel anger and exhaustion because of repeated problems, I mean problems that seem to never end.
On the other hand, every person has their own degree of tolerance, so it is possible to fall into depression or just cry, depending on that.
Just one last thing: this is my advice for those who are going through a difficult situation: surround yourself with people who make you feel happy, avoid negative or nervous people. That's the best way to recover quicker.

jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2015

2. Maturity

Please, don't take it too literally, but I feel I'm reaching a point in my life in which I'm more connected with my emotions, I smile a lot, I cry whenever I feel the need, this is to say, I think I'm slowly reaching some kind of maturity. In general, tears aren't of sorrow, but of emotion. I love more things and more intensely. I speak to people much more politely and I am more reflective.
There's something going on with my feelings, my emotions and the connection between them that is new. I'm taking my projects in a very relaxed way. However, that doesn't mean I'm not taking them seriously. I really think this is the way to succeed.
One of the most difficult things for the human being to get is balance. Why? Because it's a mature idea, it is hard to arrive at it. I've been looking for it for so long. Notice that I said "have" and not "had". This is because I'm still searching... this is only the beginning...
Yesterday in my English class we talked about personality. Let me tell you that it was very opportune! The thing that caught my attention best was these opposite behaviours at the moment of taking decisions: thinker - feeler, and here's the question that I'd really like it to be answered by my readers: Are you a thinker, a feeler or are you balanced? slightly thinker? slightly feeler? I won't tell you which type I am till I read AT LEAST three readers' personalities! See you.