martes, 22 de marzo de 2016

10. Outcome

In the end, I got a good mark (7,95) but a bit lower than what I though I'd get. My final position was 63rd, tied with two more people. I think it must have been around 190 people who have passed the exam and a bit more than 200 people who haven't.

What have I learnt from this experience? Many things. First of all, it doesn't matter whether I get obsessed with English or study relaxedly, I'll get more or less the same mark. Then, the relaxed way seems to be clearly a better option. Secondly, marks are not important, but getting the passing mark. From now on, I'll have to keep this rule in mind, forgetting about competition. Thirdly, there are many people who know a lot about English. People who lived abroad many years and came back to become a teacher is an example of this. I learnt that I can't compare myself with those people. Finally, I have to celebrate my achievements when they arrive after a long period, because nobody will do that for me if I don't.

Tomorrow, I'll be given kind of a tour around the place where I'm going to attend for several years -I hope so- and next Monday is supposed to be the first day of class. So, to give sort of a conclusion, I have to forget about the results -which are not going to change- and enjoy this new stage of my life.

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