viernes, 14 de agosto de 2015

1. Plenitude

You must have noticed that there's a "1." at the beginning of the title, even though I had asked you on the prologue not to take the entries like chapters following a story but the whole blog the same way you'd take everybody else's. I still think the same way. The number you'll find at the beginning of every chapter is just a personal guide that will just help me know where I am situated since I changed my mind about the things I want to write about on my blog. So, this is ONE: now let's go to Plenitude!

How does it feel to have experienced everything you always wanted to? Don't ask me, I haven't had that luck so far! That situation could be called «plenitude», couldn't it? But, trying to look on the bright side of it, we could also say that what we have, what we are and what we have experienced until today is the only thing that matters. Well, unfortunately as you may remember, I'm not the most optimistic person in the world and I don't think it's quite simple like that.

To feel plenary, one ought to achieve all the goals one has set for oneself. So far-fetched, isn't it? Now think about the opposite situation: you haven't achieved everything you always wanted to, so there's a remaining objective (at least), or more...That/Those goal(s) you couldn't achieve may chase you all day long, all night long, depending on how obsessed you are with these things. I must admit I am a person living with all these things in mind. It's not funny. I'm working on trying to liberate myself from my strictness. Does anyone ever achieve everything, feel plenary? Is it possible that stage in only a lifetime? Don't you think life's so short? I think not. Life lasts what it has to. Do you feel plenary...?

jueves, 6 de agosto de 2015


From today onwards, this blog is not going to focus on a specific topic but on what I feel to express day by day, week after week. That's why Renewal is neither just a new chapter of this blog -since the title of it is completely different- nor the first chapter of What's next?. Renewal is just the zeroth chapter, in fact, a prologue. After this short explanation, let's move on to it.


To begin with, I want to clear that my idea is to talk about so many different things, so you may find no connection point among all the entries. So please, don't take them like chapters following a story. Take the whole blog the same way you'd take everybody else's.
Now, let's speak about what I think this renewal means to me. I regard myself as a pursuer of felicity, who needs to express his feelings and put his yearnings in writing. Before, when I wrote about My likes and dislikes about living in Buenos Aires, I felt a definite bound that hindered me from talking about a great number of things I wanted to. This proposal looks clearly more open, than the previous one since it has no fixed topic.
Everything in this new stage will be discussed. Not only do I want to communicate all my longings, but I also want my readers to be part of this. I'd really appreciate participation.